Joined November 2012

Ghost Blog on free hosted server
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
node, blog, openshift, ghost
Getting started with Yeoman
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
backbone, yo, grunt, yeoman
The proper way to fulfill your package.json
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
nodejs, node, json, package.json
Speeding up the annoying task of retrieving up-to-date code with Sublime
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
sublime text, sublime, productivity
Inspecting HTML/JS code on Android devices for web development
Francesco Zaia
1 response
css, android, web development, responsive web design
Hanged requests on disposal! :-)
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
nodejs, workflow, javascript
Open terminal from Sublime selected folder
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
sublime text, terminal, osx
Searching for the cleanest JS init ever
Francesco Zaia
1 response
design patterns, javascript
Billions of polyfills...
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
modernizr, html5, polyfill
Javascript performance optimization: profiling
Francesco Zaia
4 responses
performance, javascript
Mixing up Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB and ...bottles of wine
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
php, mongodb, twitter bootstrap, java
JavaScript language is going to change
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
amd, standards, requirejs, ecmascript
359 Karma
19,237 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo