Popular Android Programming Tips
Android: Generate Release/Debug Keystores
4 responses
debug, release, android, keystore
Add search function to list view in android
eranga bandara
4 responses
search, android, searchview, filterable
Add self signed SSL certificate to Android (for browsing)
8 responses
android, linux, ssl, self-signed certificate
Fix Internet connection in Android Emulator
Sebastiano Poggi
4 responses
virtual machine, internet, network, connection
Signing configs with gradle android
eranga bandara
2 responses
groovy, console, gradle, android
ARGB colors in android
eranga bandara
0 responses
colors, rgb, android, argb
Passing objects between activities in android
eranga bandara
5 responses
android, serialization, parcelable
Tesseract with andoird and gradle
eranga bandara
36 responses
gradle, android, tesseract
Resize an image in android to a given width
0 responses
android, file, image, scale
Android CursorAdapter with custom layout and how to use it
Sardor Isakov
4 responses
sqlite, android, sqlite3, java
Migrate existing android project to gradle
eranga bandara
3 responses
shell, build, gradle, android-studio
Reduce Android Jelly Bean battery drain
7 responses
google, android, nexus, battery
Handle multiple click listeners in a listView
Gautam Basubramanian
4 responses
android, programming, protip, listview
Upload files and data to server from android app
0 responses
android, http, file, server
Installing Sun JDK on Debian Linux (JAVA)
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
0 responses
java, jdk, sub, android
Launch Android app with adb
Kerem Bozdas
2 responses
hack, root, adb, android
Autoradio Alpine iLX-702E46 BMW E46 7 "DAB Bluetooth CarPlay Android Mechless
0 responses
bluetooth, compatibilité, android, radio
Layout Change Animations (Sliding Height)
Jeremy Shore
0 responses
google, android, animations, 5.0
Android: Use a custom font everywhere
7 responses
font, layout, android, typeface
Get height of a view in onCreate method (Android)
0 responses
android, java
Prevent double click on Android buttons
Sardor Isakov
2 responses
java, android
File Templates in Android Studio
1 response
templates, android, android studio
Android ViewPager with zoomable images
Artur Termenji
0 responses
android, viewpager, android-dev
PEBKAC: jQuery scrollTop not working on mobile
Christian Bundy
2 responses
mobile, ios, android, jquery
Take a Photo via adb
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, android, adb, photo