Newest Productivity Programming Tips
Learn shortcuts and how to use them
Mario Basic
0 responses
programming, productivity, shortcuts, snippets
Quick sublime tip - how to paste and indent?
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
sublime, productivity
Remove Noise to Boost Your Efficiency
JD Smith
1 response
Reorganizing windows in a long-running tmux session
1 response
linux, productivity, tmux, bash
Faster and Smarter Editing with `e`
Édouard Lopez
0 responses
shell, nano, emacs, vim
Easily extract files
Dennis Ideler
0 responses
fish, productivity, zip, tar
Git checkout your previous branch!
Tom Gallacher
0 responses
productivity, git
Python - Minimal GUI window for large text scripting
Cloud Cray
0 responses
python, productivity, text, scripting
One line png to jpg entire folder with Ruby and ImageMagik
Giovanni Lodi
0 responses
ruby, productivity, engineergio, image manipulation
7steps organization system: a short why
Xavier Via
2 responses
productivity, trello, organization, 7steps
Multiple SQL column delete and create using Regex
Macs Dickinson
0 responses
sql, regex, productivity
Use nosy to automatically run your python tests on code change
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, productivity, unit-testing
Use YouCompleteMe for code completion in Vim
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, vim, productivity
Turn Vim Into Vim, But With Windows
Ben Klein
0 responses
vim, productivity, editing
Add an abbreviation for IPDB in vim
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, vim, productivity
Speed up your already speedy Vim development
Chris McKinnel
7 responses
vim, productivity
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (V)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
15 responses
web, software, productivity, workflow
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (IV)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
3 responses
web, software, productivity, workflow
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (III)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
4 responses
coffeescript, web, software, productivity
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (II)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
8 responses
web, software, productivity, workflow
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (I)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
21 responses
coffeescript, web, software, productivity
A Mind Prison
11 responses
software, productivity, life, ideas
Quickly jump to a project in shell
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
shell, cli, productivity, bash
Modern Front-End Web Developer Toolbox
Julien Charette
4 responses
tools, productivity, front-end
Increase your productivity with LiveReload
Jonas Hartmann
0 responses
web development, productivity, sublime text 2, livereload