Newest Productivity Programming Tips
Productivity: Pomodoro technique with cli
0 responses
shell, pomorodo, productivity
Bash: Function to remove last-typed command from history
Caleb Evans
0 responses
bash, shell, productivity, terminal
Redux action creator generator (ES6)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
js, redux, react, productivity
Be faster with your fingers at home row
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, productivity
How I Force Myself to Take Breaks
Simon W. Jackson
0 responses
mac, productivity, workflow, hacks
Buffer Toggling for Atom ( like ctrl-6 in VIM)
Zidni Mubarock
0 responses
vim, productivity, buffer, atom
Highlight/find all strings matching the string under the cursor
Matt Campbell
0 responses
vim, productivity, vi, pattern match
Measure top 10 shell commands to be more productive
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, aliases, productivity, git
Fast Parallel downloads in Golang with Accept-Ranges and Goroutines
2 responses
productivity, http, go
Test IIS Express web applications on remote devices
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
1 response
nodejs, productivity, npm, workflow
5 Tips For New Developers
Joshua Walker
0 responses
tips, productivity, efficiency, software development
Feeling tired?
Igor Podlawski
0 responses
health, productivity
Show card numbers in Trello
Ignas Butėnas
0 responses
productivity, javascript, trello, bookmarks
interrupt yourself when you start procrastinating due to long builds
0 responses
make, productivity, bash
iTerm2 + tmux switch window shortcuts
Dmitriy Rozhkov
1 response
productivity, tmux, iterm2
Tools for getting things done (on Windows)
David Higgins
1 response
tools, productivity, windows, programs
Super fast key repeat rate
Chandler Van De Water
0 responses
keyboard, productivity, speed, key repeat rate
tmux: easier command prefix
Michael Kohl
0 responses
productivity, tmux
Work journal in the shell
Filipe Correia
1 response
zsh, log, productivity, git
Consider keeping a work journal
Keith Pinson
4 responses
log, productivity, focus, motivation
Automatic Hangout links in your GCal Invites
Damon Aw
0 responses
productivity, calendar, google hangout
Please check your click handler
Dmitry Pashkevich
4 responses
jquery, productivity, usability, ux
Prefer backward-kill-word over Backspace
1 response
emacs, productivity, steve yegge, effective emacs
A little bash function for creating a new project
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
shell, cli, productivity, bash
10 Productivity tips for Software Developers
Ronny Yabar
0 responses
productivity, software development
Most Viewed This Month
Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3
Osvaldo Zonetti
sublime, productivity, shortcut
Keep your feature branch up to date.
Dave Griffiths
zsh, productivity, git, bash
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (I)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
coffeescript, web, software, productivity
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (V)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
web, software, productivity, workflow
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (II)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
web, software, productivity, workflow
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