Newest Productivity Programming Tips
Be A Finite-State Machine
Simeon Willbanks
3 responses
productivity, life, finitestatemachine
Brace Expansion
Jearvon Dharrie
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, productivity
Highlight Line and Column in Vim
Jearvon Dharrie
1 response
vim, productivity
Use console.error() instead of console.trace()
Dmitry Pashkevich
4 responses
chrome, debugging, productivity, firebug
Go to function definition in Chrome Developer Tools
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
chrome, debugging, productivity, devtools
Becoming a better Vim user and preserving your hands simultaneously
Daniel Levin
0 responses
vim, productivity
Improve your productivity with Code Generation and T4 Text Templates
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, productivity, javascript
Stop social network killing your productivity
Javier Toledo
1 response
Ultimate Programmer Productivity Hack
Thomaz Leite
0 responses
Switching case in vim
Jearvon Dharrie
0 responses
vim, productivity
Quickly open files in iTerm with Cmd+Click
Piotr Jakubowski
4 responses
productivity, iterm, keyboard-shortcuts
Use Emacs/Readline Key Bindings in OS X
Jed Schneider
2 responses
emacs, os x, productivity, readline
Use bash auto completion support to increase your productivity
Bastian Spanneberg
2 responses
shell, productivity, gradle, bash
Visual C# Code Snippets
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, visual studio, productivity
Navigate in zsh like a boss
0 responses
shell, zsh, productivity
Ever wanted to try Vim?
Emil Ahlbäck
0 responses
vim, editor, productivity, textmate
Don't trust their code
Tomás Senart
0 responses
code quality, productivity, todo, oss
A hidden gem: Google Chrome accounts
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
web, productivity, testing, google chrome
Webshot: A Website Screenshot Extension for Alfred on Mac OS X
Jonathan Nelson
0 responses
python, productivity, download, mac os x
Compiz Scale Window Title Filter
José F. Romaniello
0 responses
productivity, ubuntu, compiz
Optimal Team Management
John McDowall
0 responses
productivity, teams
Use pushd and popd to easily jump back to previous folders
Bastian Spanneberg
0 responses
shell, productivity, linux
Ctag vim
Abhishek Nalwaya
0 responses
vim, productivity, ctag
SSH to Speed-Up Wordpress & Joomla Migration
John jensen
0 responses
php, terminal, osx, joomla
Paste with automatic indenting in Sublime Text 2
1 response
sublime text, sublime, productivity, shortcut