Popular Editor Programming Tips
Resetting Sublime Text's Zoom/Font Size via Keyboard
Martin Peck
0 responses
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My essential guide to installing Sublime Text 3 Beta
Robert Pataki
9 responses
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Vi mode in Sublime Text
Widy Graycloud
1 response
vim, editor, text, tuts
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
5 responses
ruby, python, vim, editor
Turn textareas into a mini Vim or Emacs
Benjamin Harris
1 response
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Sublime Text 2: close tags shortcut
Mariz Melo
6 responses
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Launch Sublime Text 2 from a terminal in Mac OS
Matt Munday
5 responses
shell, terminal, editor, sublime text 2
Hide Scrollbars in Atom
Chris Jones
0 responses
editor, ide, atom, atom-io
Nice Emacs go-mode indenting and autoformat
Erik Allik
2 responses
emacs, editor, formatting, golang
Run Sublime Text unlinked from terminal session in Linux and Darwin
Nick Kugaevsky
2 responses
sublime, editor, productivity
Refreshing the Unity3d GameView Programatically
Brandon Catcho
0 responses
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Open Sublime Text 2 from the console (MacOS X)
6 responses
sublime, editor, commandline, sublime text 2
How to disable Session Saving in Sublime Text 2?
Sam-Mauris Yong
3 responses
tools, editor, sublime text 2, settings
Live editing Light Table themes
2 responses
editor, themes, live, light table
SublimeText Exclude Directories In Go To Anything From Preferences
Chase Adams
0 responses
editor, sublimetext, workflow
Autoload your start scene everytime you press play.
Bruno Mikoski
0 responses
editor, helper, unity, c#
Surrounding marked text with HTML tag in IntelliJ IDEA
Björn Kimminich
2 responses
editor, tag, ide, shortcut
My MacVim customization package, enjoy!
Ferran Poveda
0 responses
vim, editor, code, dev
A font made specifically for programmers (Proggy Fonts)
4 responses
editor, programming, font, ide
Changing My Git Editor On The Fly
Shakeel Mohamed
1 response
git, editor, alias, shell
Open a project in Atom editor
Jon Thomas
2 responses
command line, editor, atom
(G)Vim transparency the easy way
Adan Alvarado
0 responses
vim, gvim, editor, notemacs
Open with Sublime in Windows
Arielle Nguyen
2 responses
sublime, editor, command
Disabling sort lines in Sublime Text 2 so it only works on selections
Andrew Montgomery-Hurrell
0 responses
sublime text, editor, sublime text 2, st2
Navigate ruby source without an IDE
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
0 responses
ruby, rails, editor, code