Sincerely I don't know. I found it somewhere on the Internets.
- If you're using bitmaps in-memory you need to allocate more memory for objects to work with them than the save you space.
- If you're using bitmaps in database you cannot work with this data in any sensible way (no indexes, no clean queries), so you use bitfield just as crippled storage format. Moreover each database has it's own, performant and indexable structures to store such data.
Not mentioning I'd never scarify system and code readability to save few bytes of space per record. Sounds like premature optimisation, eh?
In Ruby you get neither of performance, code readability, lower storage/memory space, data normalisation, good query interface. There is literally no advantage.
It causes a lot of problems, I speak from experience.
bitmaps in ruby? you gotta be kidding
- You can use homebrew/binary tap where you can install docker
- You can use DOCKER_HOST variable instead of an alias:
You don't need an alias. Docker supports now DOCKER_HOST env variable:
It's probably better to look at my pull-request, because I made some fixes:
@growtofill Yeah, you're right. I'm too used to it.
Promises are good to avoid callback hell.
I wrote little more enhanced version of this (layouts, fallback to generic error page, hiding of 500 error messages in production):
Or more precisely:
config.assets.js_compressor = => true) if defined? Uglifier
should be
@shawncplus Thank you for noticing it. I fixed the protip.
@cassianoleal Thank you. I think I'll just remove this protip.
@eugeny It won't work if you run something that traps signal that Ctrl-D sends.
@johnhunt Can't be. Ensure ls -l
returns -rwsr-sr--
Btw. I've updated protip so commands are shorter.
I used prezto for some time and it was less pleasurable than oh-my-zsh. If it matches your preferences, you can use antigen use prezto
in .zshrc :)
@basiclines I don't like hacks like that.
@subicura You don't need to put that * if you use if IE 7. This is hack.
You can switch to last used branch by typing git checkout -
I also recommend using antigen.
nice. here is my solution (it parses only lines beginning with $)
@ipetepete Actually I prefer antigen, and enhancing zsh by myself :)
Hmm. OSX. I've changed the code.
Because every time you checkout -f or git reset, you lose changes in that file
@0xnan Thank you for noticing this :) I've updated the protip.
I'd like to know how to put methods in class so it behaves as module as fat as we talk about "include" behavior :)
@niloct It did for me. Ensure which vim
is returning the correct binary.
@telemachus wow, that's pretty good article :) thank you for the comment!
@kablamo You are actually right. This is protip from the time I was searching fot the method to manage my dotfiles. I've used it for a moment, but it seemed overly complicated as you say.
Finally I've chosen the way cowboy does it. You can view my still-in-progress dotfiles on my Github. The main difference is, cowboy uses bash and no framework, and I use zsh + prezto.
Thank you for the comment!
Both MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported?
Awesome idea!
If you need just view the file, probably less +1000 bigfile
is faster and more user friendly.
It doesn't on Mac OS
Isn't brew list | xargs brew link
I find tmux useful only on server as on Mac OS iTerm2 is more than enough (if you're pair programming, it's probably better to connect on server anyway). I had a LOT of problems similar to this when using locally (clipboard, scrolling, encoding etc.)
Thank you.
That python server is cliche for me :) Also touch is not necessary.
Good article, horrible blog design :)
It's also good to set up git config --global git-up.rebase.arguments --preserve-merges. Please read my comment.
Maybe some short explanation?
@coderwall - please fix that highlighting!
I like the second version with "add" changed to "feature" and no sys and misc tags. Just don't use any prefix (but try to avoid it).
@dmedvinsky They probably don't accept such parameters as %f
@jchannon You must ensure you have subl command in your path that launches sublime text
I'd rather see some grep :)
Add this piece of code to the brew repository :)
there is no way to do it afair
this is sass polyfill :)
You can also use following option that enables squash by default:
git config --global --bool rebase.autosquash true
Interestingly enough .sum method is only available in ActiveSupport
git push origin :mybranch actually mean push local branch "" (empty branch) to branch "mybranch" on origin. You can also push other local branches. Example: git push heroku develop:master, that pushes local develop branch to master on heroku.
In company we agreed to use git-up tool, that rebases changes on pull, if there are any conflicts. The --preserve-merges flag is quite important when doing git rebase, or you'll flatten your --no-ff feature merges. See:
That's nice.
git branch --move oldbranch newbranch could be more verbose
Why subprojects have to be so difficult...
Nice, but for such things I prefer gui.
To commit changes again you have to revert the revert commit.
Also, you can revert whole feature if it was merged with --no-ff flag. Just revert the merge commit and you're done.
Coffeescript :)
@mcansky Thank you for clarification. I've updated the protip to include your comment.
+1 for rbenv, sorry :)
This protip beautifully shows how ugly is syntax coloring and fonts for code on coderwall.. It's like random...
Actually hexdump
command seems better replacement.
I'll change this protip in the future...
No ruby needed.
@richoh Nope. method
returns Method class, and we need to pass block. afaik ampersand operator is the only way to convert proc / lambda / method to block.
no asl for me. maybe you should include that in the title.
osx tag please :)
Actually ri is quite helpful. I'd stay only with --no-rdoc
That wrapper code begs for some helper.
For would be more useful if it was sugar on map and flatMap like in Scala. Anyway, good to know. Thanks.
@delros I have no professional experience with Stylus, although I've read all the documentation and it seems extremely well designed and coherent.
I'd be interested in SCSS vs Stylus comparison.
Install oh-my-zsh and enable sublime plugin.
install zsh ;)
You may be interested in git up
It's only time when someone someone forgets assume-unchanged
and commits his passwords. It should be probably used with some sort of init script or git's smudge and clean filters.
*.example files are the safest option I know so far.
I you want to setup local address for static site quick, then is awesome.
I just touches the surface though :) A site where you can do real-life git challenges would be awesome.
You can use big decimals if you require arbitrary precision:
require 'bigdecimal'; ("5.9") -"5.8")).to_f
That's because of another CSS silly behavior. The order of rules matters less than number of elements in selector. If you wrote '.container p' then everything would be OK, because it contains one tag selector and one class selector, as well as 'p.notification ', so the order now matters.
You can use SCSS to avoid such problems (although compiled CSS will be much bigger).
Another reason why you should never use IDs in styling.
@i-arindam I've fixed that, thank you :)
The best thing: it's supported even by IE6..
Array in ruby contains "pointers" to other objects. You're just adding pointer to array itself. Interesting though.
You can also add an ampersand to system command. It prevents lag after each commit, so you don't have to wait for camera to take a picture: system "imagesnap -q -w 3 #{file} &"
You can also skip sudo and link to /usr/local/bin/subl
It's probably better to create bare "hosting" repository in Dropbox rather than directly linking. That way you get rid of constant traffic on saving files, temporary caches, etc. So:
git clone . ~/Dropbox/repo &&
git remote add origin ~/Dropbox/repo &&
git push origin master
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Thanks! it solved my problem too.