LESS vs SASS? My choise is SASS
Hugo Giraudel shares his experience with the CSS preprocessors LESS and Sass and explains why he chose to stick with Sass.
Really good arguments. Must to read
Written by Ernesto del Rosario
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7 Responses

I'd be interested in SCSS vs Stylus comparison.

SASS + Compass are just awesome!
@sheerun yes, it will be definetly interesting. Do you have an expirience with Stylus? Unfortunatelly I have expirience only with SCSS and just basic knowledge of LESS, but Stylus must be interesting also as for me

@delros I have no professional experience with Stylus, although I've read all the documentation and it seems extremely well designed and coherent.

CSS Crush seems very nice guys, anybody have any experience with it?

I wrote a similar tip - https://coderwall.com/p/233zbq
@viczam looks good, thanks and congratulations