Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· timusg

setup docker client in mac

docker is not supported by mac, but it is possible to setup docker client in mac and execute all commands in remote system with local docker cli.

mkdir tmp
export GOPATH=`pwd`/tmp
go get -v
# (this may take some time)
sudo cp tmp/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf tmp

cd tmp/src/

git checkout v0.6.7

go get -v

# assume is IP for remote docker

alias docker='docker -H tcp://'

useful to connect to vagrant or ec2 docker instance.

2 Responses
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  1. You can use homebrew/binary tap where you can install docker
  2. You can use DOCKER_HOST variable instead of an alias:
over 1 year ago ·

Or you can just use the official boot2docker installer:

Will give you the docker client, boot2docker and everything you need to run docker on a Mac bundled in a simple mpkg installer! ;)

over 1 year ago ·