Trending Programming Tips
IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
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3 IOS Homescreen Web App tips
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Kill the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks
Perry Azevedo
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terminal, os x, tricks, optimization
JavaScript - Module pattern
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module, pattern, javascript
Ruby Regex
Brandon Hansen
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ruby, regex
Sublime: Start typing then TAB. Create tabTriggers
Diego Arcega
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sublime, snippets, workflow, shortcut
Git conflicts resolving helpers
Dmitriy Rozhkov
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JavaScript - Using Namespaces
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javascript, namespaces
ZSH family of named and anon shell functions
Rob Jentzema
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shell, zsh, functions, tricks
Secrets of
Brandon Hansen
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Google Spreadsheet JSON API: SQL Filtering
Otar Chekurishvili
1 response
google, js, api, json
Multiple HABTM associations between 2 models in Rails
Ali Ismayilov
1 response
rails, activerecord, models, multiple
Installing Light Table editor on Ubuntu
Ivan Pierre
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clojure, editor, light table
Make PhpStorm generated setter return $this
Steffan Harries
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php, code, phpstorm, template
How to Hide Your ActiveAdmin Path
Daniel P. Clark
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rails, activeadmin, random, secure
Using Polymer web components with Meteor
Martin Aspeli
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meteor, web components, polymer
Simple AngularJS Directive to Match Window Height
Dustin Johnson
1 response
ux, coffee script, angularjs, directive
How to Color Like Buttons of Facebook
Elad Shechter
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css, css3
Customize navigation bar appearance with swift
eranga bandara
15 responses
swift, ios8, navigationbar, navigation-bar-appearace
Three.js Baking
Alain Galvan
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3d, codepen, threejs, blender
[fixed]VMware installation problem (The MSI Failed)
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vmware, msi, vmware installation, msi failed
Fixing contenteditable placeholders with 3 lines of CSS.
Laurent Perrin
0 responses
css, html, placeholder, contenteditable