Last Updated: September 27, 2021

[fixed]VMware installation problem (The MSI Failed)

These following steps will show you how to fix VMware installation problem (The MSI Failed).

Step 1:

1) Go to ‘Temp’ directory, located under user (profile folder) who does the installation/uninstallation in his computer.


or just go to "win+R" type %TEMP% ...

2) Make sure none of the VMware installation or uninstallation process is running. Select and Delete all vmware files and folders in this location.

3) Restart the computer: "win+R" type shutdown -r -t 0.

Step 2:

After restarting the computer open command prompt and run the following commands.

  • "win+R" type cmd.

  • Switch to admin: runas /user:(username) cmd enter password to run cmd as admin.

  • Change directory where you have VMware setup:
    cd d:\vmware

  • Then lunch installation: VMware-workstation.exe /x /v EULAS_AGREED=1, you should add /v EULAS_AGREED=1 to enable licence agreement.

  • Wait for a while and click next then modify...

enjoy the installation

(!) please comment below for any clarifications

3 Responses
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hello thank yu for the help. i have successfully tried all you directed but i still get the same error . c:\user\JONATH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware_1494400551\vmwareworkstation.msi failed.

kindly help with other options.


over 1 year ago ·

Great! I did reach to a window that gave repair or remove option but MSI still failed

over 1 year ago ·

سلام، خداحفظ کنه، کار من رو راه انداخت
Hi, My problem solved.God bless you. Thanks so much.

over 1 year ago ·