Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· ready4god2513

Secrets of

I was looking through the Ruby docs (as all good devs do, right?) and I was thinking about how a few of the methods could be reimplemented in Ruby itself. Obviously this is just a for fun exercise. But I came across Kernel#loop and got stuck. How can that be implemented? Passing a block is easy. But how about forwarding it? Not so easy.

If the method signature accepts no arguments, how could it be implemented? You can't pass along a call to yield, can't pass in &block. The secret is Interestingly enough if the message is sent without an attached block, the block in which it is called is converted and sent to the proc.

def my_loop
  yield if block_given?

n = 0

my_loop do
  break if n >= 100
  n += 1
  puts "testing #{n}"

For more information, check out this great article-

1 Response
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Ok, I was wrong about passing yield. You can pass it in a block my_loop { yield }, just not as an argument. But still standing is how cool actually can be.

over 1 year ago ·