Joined July 2014

Alain Galvan

Artistic Developer at Florida International University
Miami, United States

I'm a Artistic Developer, focusing on the front-end software design and building elegant structures and APIs. I specialize in Shader and Procedural Mesh programming (GLSL, HLSL, Cg, Unreal, Unity, OpenGL), working with front-end web frameworks like AngularJS to back end with Node, and making games. Visit for proof.

I love painting, performing and composing music, writing and studying. Anything and everything that has to do with art.

I'm always working on projects but I'm always available to chat, feel free to add me on whatever you like:

Skype - AlainGalv
Steam - AlainGalvan

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Three.js Baking

Alain Galvan
0 responses · 3d, codepen, threejs, blender
36 Karma
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