Trending Programming Tips
Dealing with Alt+Space (non-breakable space) in Sublime Text 2 on OS X
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CookieOverflow in Rails 4
Peter Boling
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Use array and object literals in JavaScript
Jeroen Ransijn
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Clean your Bundles
Marko Klemetti
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Unittest Restful Api with Symfony 2
Jan Krause
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Rails: add a route for a test
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Kibana - Log Aggregation Tool - Setup
Bartłomiej Danek
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Creating "vanity" URLs
Zak Dziczkowski
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minimongoid or: How I learned to love Meteor
Mario Uher
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Super simple .htaccess rewrite to remove PHP file extensions and query strings from URLs
Anthony Levings
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SCSS Keyframe Mixin
Yoeran Luteijn
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Different uses for -p in Git
Rob Hoelz
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Firefox Shortcut for Drupal API
Rafael Silva
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git case sensitivity on OS X
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Copy last git commit message to clipboard in OSX
Chris Hale
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vim color schemes
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
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vim, color schemes
Tune up your PostgreSQL
Bartłomiej Danek
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Don't Use CSS "display: none"
Antonio Vizuete
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css, accesibility
How to get your public IP address from the terminal
John Bohn
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Libv8 install fails with libtool unrecognized option `-static` error
Adan Alvarado
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Problems with therubyracer and libv8 install
Victor Ortiz
1 response
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Learn Python by example- 001
Abhinav Mishra
1 response
python, beginner
How to edit long bash command
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
1 response
bash, vim, linux