Trending Programming Tips
Improving your website useability
Aaron Jackson
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Automate Unit Testing a Titanium Alloy project
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Apache Mahout: driver.MahoutDriver: Unable to add class: WikipediaXmlSplitter
Anders Brownworth
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Inline CSS style to elements for HTML email in Java
dennis zhuang
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Quickly open files in iTerm with Cmd+Click
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Migrating from WordPress to Middleman, without breaking URLs
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Django i18n checklist
HH Veldstra
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Reference Commits and Issues in GitHub
Chris Missal
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Use Fugitive as Git mergetool
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Use Vim visual blocks to squash multiple git commits
Craig Marvelley
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vim, rebase, git
WordPress Login With Email
raz ohad
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login, wordpress
Save image in resources
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Fix PhpStorm font rendering on linux
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Journey from C# to Ruby.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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ruby, rails, c#
Count how many css selectors are on a page
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css, selector
Expressionengine Members w/ entries count
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Change your theme when sshing
Mario Uher
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add a "All" operator to vim
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vim, operator
Easy Async Ajax Calls
Eric Kidd
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javascript, jquery, ajax
Create Break Points in Rails with Passenger Phusion, Pry, Pry Remote
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, rails, debugging, nginx
Install rmagick on OS X Mountain Lion
Daniel Schmidt
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ruby, bundler, osx, mountain lion