Trending Programming Tips
Reset Vim syntax highlighting
Ivan Novikov
0 responses
vim, syntax, html
ngUpload - upload files in angularjs
Tom Wilson
0 responses
javascript, angularjs
Convert a Menu to a Dropdown for Small Screens
Aaron Jackson
0 responses
jquery, css, html, website
Get home directory in nodejs
Thierry Le Moulec
3 responses
nodejs, home directory
Reuse last parameter from the last command
Alexander Berezovsky
0 responses
zsh, sh, bash
Convert files from Dos to Unix
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
zsh, command line, bash, linux server administration
Mixins in CoffeeScript
Mario Uher
1 response
coffeescript, mixins, ruby inspired
pry in rails console
Alexander Kirillov
0 responses
rails, console, pry
zsh substitute previous command
Max Köhler
0 responses
shell, zsh
Howto split a git repository into two
Jens Grassel
0 responses
git, split repo, prune, filter-branch
Making Ruby's Enumerator lazier
Ivan Novikov
2 responses
ruby, lambda, lazy
Dump PostgreSQL without owner and privileges
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
postgresql, linux server administration
Javascript array mutability
Adam Thurlow
0 responses
array, javascript, immutable
Script your development environment
0 responses
ruby, puppet, virtual, vagrant
Search your git commits and auto-show matches
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell scripting, git
Nginx reverse proxy cache for OpenStreetMap
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
http, cache, nginx, openstreetmap
Vim open multiple files
Alexander Berezovsky
1 response
shell, vim, sh
Sass Media Queries Mixins
Rafal Bromirski
1 response
responsive design, css3, scss, mixin
Ridiculously useful for learning ClojureScript
Pierre Larochelle
0 responses
clojure, clojurescript, javascript
Passing parameters in Fabric Tasks
Ellison Leão
0 responses
python, tip, fabric, parameters
Automatically compile .less and .coffee files
Filippo Valsorda
0 responses
python, less, coffeescript
Installing mongodb with apt-get
Franklin Dattein
0 responses
mongodb, apt-get