Trending Programming Tips
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JavaScript Type checking
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Use IN instead of ANY in PostgreSQL
Michał Czyż
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Control YAML serialization in Ruby
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Write once, run (Ruby) anywhere
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Compile Emacs 24.2 on Raspberry Pi (Rasbian)
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Java 0 day vulnerability in the wild
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Use SCM in Terminal
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Archive your GitHub repos and data
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Expansive Argument Handling
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Remove emtpy lines in SublimeText 2
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Responsive, semantic markup using Twitter Bootstrap and Sass/SCSS
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slurm - network load monitor
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Game Jams: The most fun you can have while programming
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Don't use Grep, use Ack
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AngularJS examples
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Use Markdown README's in Python modules
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Atomic increment in Mongoid
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Bootstrap collapse menu with WordPress menu
Dwight Scott
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Go to the previous git branch
Edgar Suarez
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