Trending Programming Tips
Make ActiveRecord objects not readonly
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, readonly
Check your GitHub account for out of date rails apps
Andrew Nesbitt
0 responses
ruby, rails, security, github
Converting Repositories From Git to Mercurial
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git, mercurial
Find broken images in your html source
Eduardo Garibay-Frausto
0 responses
ruby, img, broken image finder, image finder
Cut down some seconds of your spec suite by removing database_cleaner
Felipe Elias Philipp
8 responses
ruby, rails, rspec, capybara
Webhosting with Dropbox and Apache
Peeyush Raj
0 responses
dropbox, apache, webhosting
Subtle Embossed Background
Eric Kidd
0 responses
css3, design, minimalism
Firefox @fontface cross domain errors & workarounds
Callum Silcock
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css, firefox, css3, fontface
Don't use 'ready' DOM event, get faster page loads
0 responses
Git hooks
Mattes Groeger
0 responses
hook, validation, commit, rake
Execute unix shell command in background
Bartłomiej Danek
4 responses
shell, zsh, unix, background
Active sass debug info with middleman
Victor Ortiz
1 response
sass, compass, firebug, middleman
Python on Love
Manuel Ebert
1 response
python, meta, love
Retina-ready Web Graphics
Zak Dziczkowski
2 responses
web, retina, javascript
Marionette, won't do backbone without it
5 responses
backbone.js, marionette.js
Take a screenshot from commandline
Juanje Ojeda
7 responses
shell, cli, ssh, imagemagick
Forgot to Sudo? !! is your friend
David Underwood
1 response
rails, sudo, rake, bash
Test your JS knowledge
Derrick Williams
1 response
javascript, quiz
Android AOSP Log from a tag to HEAD
0 responses
log, oneliner, repo, aosp
Ruby inherited method bug
Dmitry Vorotilin
0 responses
ruby, rails
Pro Tip #1
Rick Bradley
0 responses
coding, strong
Shell alias to stop writing `bundle exec`
Rafaël Blais Masson
2 responses
ruby, bundler, shell
MongoDB Text Search Tutorial
Tobias Trelle
0 responses
search, mongodb