Joined December 2012

Peter Boling

Principal Software Engineer at Vital Connect
Detroit, MI

Team leader, mentor, and builder of web applications great and small, since 2004; system administrator since 1997. Passionate about testing, efficiency, learning best practices, and improving the condition of human life by automation.

Familiar with Ruby and Javascript frameworks, old and new, but appreciate Rails and SvelteJS the most. Sponsored and recognized by Github in July 2022 as one of 904 developers whose open source code the platform relies on. Engineered solutions for nearly every industry sector. Specialize in migrating legacy systems to modern architectures utilizing the principles of BDD, and DDD. Prefer event storming for deriving the lexicon of a business domain.

Built the world’s first enterprise Rails app running on Windows Server 2k3 & IIS6 (2006). Led massive PHP-to-Rails migrations @ aSmallWorld (2008-9) and BibleGateway (2009-10).

FLOSS Leader and Advocate, hundreds of thousands of projects and companies rely on my open source work.

Polyglot: English, Spanish, and Portuguese; learning Bahasa Indonesia.

Author/Maintainer of many popular gems, including:
* oauth2
* oauth
* omniauth-identity
* dynamoid
* flag_shih_tzu
* sanitize_email
* cacheable-flash
* gem_bench
* debug_logging
* celluloid-io-pg-listener
* activerecord-transactionable
* rspec-pending_for
* resque-unique_by_arity
* resque-unique_at_runtime
* anonymous_active_record

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Never use ActiveRecord's last

Peter Boling
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