Joined December 2012

Peter Boling

Principal Software Engineer at Vital Connect
Detroit, MI

See my full writeup on the El Capitan Upgrade with Ruby, Homebrew, Java, QT, and other tools on my blog:

What worked for me (snippet of my travis.yml):

  - TEST_DIRECTORY=spec/models
    SPEC_OPTS="--color --profile"
  - TEST_DIRECTORY=spec/classes
    SPEC_OPTS="--color --profile"
script: xvfb-run bundle exec rspec $TEST_DIRECTORY
Posted to (Almost) Painless Removal of Gems over 1 year ago

In case it wasn't clear, the gems listed in the command are gems that are excluded from the uninstallation / cleaning, because they can't be removed.

Posted to CookieOverflow in Rails 4 over 1 year ago

@brad8711 - if you only want to make the change in test, then don't change the initializer, and add this line of code:

MyApp::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store

Somewhere that is only loaded by the test env. Perhaps config/environments/test.rb, or spec/spec_helper.rb.

Only problem is then you'll have a database schema that has different needs in different environments.

I would strongly discourage you from doing this.

If you use it, use it everywhere.

Posted to CookieOverflow in Rails 4 over 1 year ago

@fabian818, I did not say to do gem install. I said to add the gem to your Gemfile and then bundle install. If you skipped that then you will get the error you got.

I revised it a bit, so not more forking to cat:

if [ -f "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm" ] && [ -f ".ruby-version" ] && [ -f ".ruby-gemset" ]; then
  source "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm"
  RUBY_VERSION=$(< "$PWD/.ruby-version")
  RUBY_GEMSET=$(< "$PWD/.ruby-gemset")
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