Popular Plugins Programming Tips
Vagrant tips
Anton Kalyaev
10 responses
tools, tips, vagrant, chef
Javascript Hook System
Richard Clifford
1 response
prototyping, hooks, plugins, javascript
Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
2 responses
ruby, rails, configuration, osx
Dicas e Plugins para Sublime Text 2 com Ruby e Rails
Dan Jesus
1 response
ruby, rails, sublime text 2, plugins
Plugin execution order in maven
Ruurd Pels
0 responses
maven, plugins
Display all commands offered by your installed oh-my-zsh plugins.
Prateek Agarwal
0 responses
zsh, oh-my-zsh, plugins
Update wordpress without FTP
Mike Lyons
0 responses
php, permissions, apache, server
Handlebars precompiler plugin Sublime Text 2
Jorge Luis Rivera
3 responses
python, sublime text 2, plugins, javascript
Keep Pathogen bundles up to date with git
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, plugins, vcs, git
Make your own WordPress MVC Plugin
Jeff Madsen
0 responses
mvc, plugins, wordpress
Sublime Text Useful Packages
Ammar Alakkad
1 response
php, sublime, sublimetext, plugins
Vim: Must have plugins
Evaldo Junior
0 responses
vim, plugins
Lose the CSS3 vendor prefixes
Mike King
0 responses
css, css3, plugins, vendor prefixes
Select post parent from another post type in WordPress
Yoren Chang
0 responses
plugins, wordpress
Find the WordPress root directory from any child directory by using PHP
Merianos Nikos
1 response
plugins, tinymce, wordpress
Recommended Firefox Plugins
Lautaro Dragan
0 responses
firefox, plugin, list, plugins
Syntastic VIM
Michael Koby
0 responses
vim, text editor, plugins, vim plugins
An awesome repository of jQuery plugins!
Mahmoud El Ghandour
0 responses
jquery, plugins
qTip2 - v2.2.0 Released!
Craig Michael Thompson
0 responses
release, plugins, javascript, qtip2
Allow wordpress to install plugins, themes, etc.
Emilio Castro
0 responses
tip, wordpress, install, plugins
Awesome timelines with js
0 responses
jquery, js, plugins
Hub for Open-source and Freeware for your Computer
Ram swaroop
0 responses
open source, apps, software, opensource
Framework to develop browser plugins
Marco Trulla
0 responses
browser, framework, plugins, c
Wordpress Plugins
Aleksandar Perisic
0 responses
php, plugin, plugins, wp
Tips and tricks publishing your jQuery / javascript plugins in Github
Joan Claret
0 responses
jquery, tips, tricks, plugins
Displaying all 25 tips
Recent Activity
Tips and tricks publishing your jQuery / javascript plugins in Github
Joan Claret
jquery, tips, tricks, plugins
Display all commands offered by your installed oh-my-zsh plugins.
Prateek Agarwal
zsh, oh-my-zsh, plugins
Allow wordpress to install plugins, themes, etc.
Emilio Castro
tip, wordpress, install, plugins
Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
ruby, rails, configuration, osx
Find the WordPress root directory from any child directory by using PHP
Merianos Nikos
plugins, tinymce, wordpress
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