Joined November 2012
List all postgres commands in comand line
Dan Jesus
0 responses
command line, postgres
Usar Adobe Creative Cloud com OSX Yosemite Beta
Dan Jesus
0 responses
yosemite, java 8, adobe creative cloud
See the average size of files in linux
Dan Jesus
0 responses
linux, unix, gawk, ubuntu
Send Mail From Localhost with XAMPP
Dan Jesus
1 response
php, xampp, php.ini
No input file specified – FUELPHP
Dan Jesus
1 response
php, fuelphp
Avoid rdoc and ri in gem installations or update
Dan Jesus
2 responses
ruby, gem, ri, rdoc
Using colors in git terminal
Dan Jesus
2 responses
zsh, terminal, git, bash
Making zsh compatible with rake
Dan Jesus
0 responses
zsh, octopress, rake
Programação defensiva em PHP
Dan Jesus
0 responses
php, programa
Web Development Check list
Dan Jesus
0 responses
ruby, php, javascript
jQuery 1.9 upgrade guide
Dan Jesus
0 responses
Dicas e Plugins para Sublime Text 2 com Ruby e Rails
Dan Jesus
1 response
ruby, rails, sublime text 2, plugins
333 Karma
57,710 Total ProTip Views

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo