Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· infog

Vim: Must have plugins

Here are some of my must have Vim plugins. All of them are on GitHub (user/repo).

  • tpope/vim-fugitive: Nice Git commands from within Vim. Gblame, GDiff...
  • airblade/vim-gitgutter: Git diff on the fly.
  • myusuf3/numbers.vim: Alternates from relative number to absolute number in different modes.
  • scrooloose/nerdtree: File tree navigation.
  • vim-scripts/taglist.vim: Lists tags in a side pane (classes, functions, etc)
  • kien/ctrlp.vim: Search for files while typing their names
  • scrooloose/syntastic: Displays syntax errors (Also displays codestyle mistakes if you want it to)

If you want more plugins and other configs, go to my Vim configuration repo on GitHub: (in Portuguese).