Popular Mac Programming Tips
Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition on OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Attila Györffy
2 responses
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Emacs Daemon MacOSX Workflow
Michael Gile
1 response
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The Perfect Brew
Nicholas Jordon
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ssh-askpass on OS X Lion
Johnny Rodgers
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Max OS X launchctl load "nothing found to load"
Anders Brownworth
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Connecting to MS SQL Server using Ruby on Mac OS/X 10.8
Stephen Cornelius
0 responses
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Resizing OSX windows like a boss
Jon Thomas
8 responses
mac, os x, workflow
OSX .bashrc and .bash_profile
Felipe Brandão
3 responses
osx, linux, mac, bash
pbcopy & pbpaste
Jason Rogers
2 responses
linux, mac, commandline, pbcopy
Lost connection to ssh-agent in tmux
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
shell, mac, os x, tmux
The Best Way To Optimize Images
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
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Bypassing Gatekeeper & Not Paying Apple $100
Max Howell
1 response
mac, gatekeeper
Visual Debugging Tool for iOS. A powerful UIView hierarchy viewer desktop app and toolset.
C. Bess
0 responses
ios, simulator, debug, mac
Automatically add routes when connecting to a VPN
Christian Romney
0 responses
shell, xmlblog, osx, mac
Mounting a .dmg file to your home directory
Leo Venegas
0 responses
mac, mount, dmg
Use Github the Right Way with Code Journal
Michael Dominick
5 responses
cocoa, open-source, mac, git
Start MacVim in fullscreen
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
vim, mac, macvim
From MacPorts to Homebrew
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
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Spotlight from the OS X Commandline
Bob Williams
0 responses
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Want to use MacVim with Unity?
Alex Hart
0 responses
vim, mac, unity, c#
Friendly Virus Reminder
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
linux, mac, spam, virus
Speeding up your terminal in OSX by clearing ASL logs
Ciro Nunes
2 responses
zsh, terminal, log, osx
OSX - set input layout per application
Alex Wolkov
0 responses
osx, mac, layout, ma tip
Searching command history with Ctrl-r
Chip Castle
0 responses
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Quick screenshot sharing
Nat Friedman
4 responses
mac, tools, bash