Popular Mac Programming Tips
Get alt-arrow keys working in fish on OSX
Zoee Silcock
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PHP hashbang
Sam-Mauris Yong
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Download Chromium Nightly for Mac
Russell Smith
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Nokogiri on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
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Install WebP CLI tools on Mac/Linux
Ryan Parman
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Setting my iTerm2
Daniel Kosalla
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CSS trick for lighter fonts on Mac
Igor Ramadas
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PHP, Nginx and MySQL on OS-X ML Done Right
Irakli Nadareishvili
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UserInterfaceState, Git, & Xcode
Jeffrey Jackson
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Installing hunspell via pip on OSX Mavericks
José Ricardo
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Stop using GitX and start using GitX
Steve Halford
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Problems with Tunnelblick on Mountain Lion?
Łukasz Sągol
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Cocoa Pods
Fernando Ribeiro
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Integrate AppCode and Kaleidoscope
Rob Pearson
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Disable sleep mode on Mountain Lion
Tobias T—
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Toggle OS X Dark Mode using Javascript
Anand Gupta
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Poor man's media server or how to transcode and stream your videos on-the-fly from your mac to your ios device
Víctor Martínez
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How to use the "right" version of Git in your Mac
Everton Maldonado
1 response
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speed up brew install on mac osx
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setup docker client in mac
sumit gupta
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Alex Indigo
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swap ESC and CapsLock for speed improvement on Vim
Anderson Pierre Cardoso
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Appcelerator and Node.js versioning on Mac
John Joyce
0 responses
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