Popular Linux Programming Tips
Grub Configuration
0 responses
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Show alias content
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using sed to get file basedir
Felipe Brandão
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Increase productivity with tmux
Akash Agrawal
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Slitaz 4.0 (GNU/LINUX)
Evertton de Lima
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Install Git on Linux from git source
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git, linux
Bash Script To Create A Directory within a Child Directory of a Parent Directory Supplied
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Count items in a long XML file
Andy Kifer
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command line, linux, xml, bash
For most linux systems, random password for a user
Chris White
0 responses
linux, bash, systems administration
mosh: SSH for unstable connections
Daniel Pecos Martínez
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linux, ssh
Actualiza Alias en Ubuntu sin reiniciar
Gastón Nina
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shell, terminal, alias, linux
Fix bash shellshock bug in two steps (Ubuntu)
Cristóbal Castillo
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sysadmin, linux, ubuntu, bash
Top 20 CPU consuming processes
Nathan Duthoit
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svn info on bash prompt
Nelson Antunes
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Vim copy breakpoint for gdb
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mv filename with {old,new}
Jon Druse
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terminal, linux
shell searching
Sebastian Rajo
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shell, linux
Basic usage of 'sort' command
Zhang Tai
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shell, linux
setgid bit on directories
Andy Walker
0 responses
linux, unix, setgid
PostgreSQL and Fedora
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How to edit long bash command
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
1 response
bash, vim, linux
Compara Archivos con Diff en Linux
Gastón Nina
0 responses
terminal, linux
How to Make SSH Tunnel Available on the Network
Victor Mendonca
0 responses
linux, ssh, bash
tts-koans: keep your thoughts translated!
0 responses
tdd, bash, linux, commands
Empty A File Without Deleting It
Nick Fletcher
0 responses
bash, linux, crispus