Popular Linux Programming Tips
Average CPU temperature
Ivan Mirić
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Capture screen on Linux
Peter Suschlik
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Vagrant, Virtualbox, 32bit systems and more than one cpu
Jens Grassel
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Interactively search through bash history with CTRL+R
Romain Vigo Benia
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Auto md5sums array for PKGBUILD
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Configure Touchpad of Toshiba Portege Z30 on Debian
Peter Suschlik
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What process is using this port?
Anders Brownworth
1 response
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Tmux basic commands
2 responses
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Use Touchpad only for scrolling in GNU/Linux
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
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Interview Question - Name 1-10 ways to print the contents of a file.
Sam Halicke
3 responses
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pro prank: make the terminal slow over time
Nimrod Gutman
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Simple date conversion from the commandline
Aaron Ott
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Installing Java 7 on Centos / Redhat
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Fix SSH Timeouts on Linux
Michael Born
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Virtualisation installation (Ubuntu server)
Scott Horsley
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*nix: Default group for files in directory
Trevor N. Suarez
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Colored "ls" in OSX and Linux
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Check for Weak Credentials
Damian Tommasino
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Copy and overwrite file and auto create sub-directories
Shih Oon Liong
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Tweak winetricks to install MSOffice from local folder
Nelson Antunes
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Install VMWare Tool , Fixing Linux headers issue
Martin Haynes
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How to send an email from the Ubuntu command line
0 responses
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See the size of a directory in your terminal
Jack Weiss
0 responses
shell, terminal, command line, linux
CD into last directory in bash
Alex Gorbatchev
0 responses
unix, linux, bash