Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· pr3ssh

Tmux basic commands


tmux # Run tmux


Ctrl+b c # Create a new window
Ctrl+b , # Rename current window
Ctrl+b p # Move to previous window
Ctrl+b n # Move to next window
Ctrl+b w # List windows


Ctrl+b % # Split pane vertically
Ctrl+b : split-window # Split pane horizontally


tmux new -s session-name # Create new session
Ctrl+b d # Detach session
tmux ls # List sessions
tmux attach -t session_name # Attach session
tmux kill-session -t session_name # Delete detached session

2 Responses
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Also Ctrl+b " will split pane horizontally.

over 1 year ago ·

Yep! But this command doesn't work in all cases :/

over 1 year ago ·