Popular Terminal Programming Tips
Use ⌥ ← and ⌥→ to jump forwards / backwards words in iTerm 2, on OS X
Edward Robinson
46 responses
terminal, os x, iterm, iterm2
Determine OS X version from the command line
Kevin Elliott
1 response
terminal, osx, cli, mac
Customize terminal with oh-my-zsh
eranga bandara
3 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, osx
Send mail like a boss!
Ryan Yonzon
8 responses
terminal, linux, gmail, smtp
Erase a Mac hard drive from the Terminal (when Disk Utility fails)
Mikkel Malmberg
1 response
terminal, os x, diskutility
Delimiters in sed substitution
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
shell, terminal, sed, linux
Change terminal color when SSH from OS-X
eranga bandara
1 response
shell, terminal, osx, ssh
ZSH / .oh-my-zsh My top tips for daily use
Mark Tooth
10 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, directories
View Folder Tree in MacOSX Terminal
James Doyle
2 responses
zsh, terminal, macosx, folder
How to connect to remote mongo database with the mongo cli
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
shell, terminal, cli, mongodb
Convert RAW photos to JPG in the Mac OS terminal
Ricardo Magalhães
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, images
Replace a string recursively in a directory on Mac OS X
Bertrand Chardon
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, replace
Grep and replace text in files
0 responses
terminal, sed, grep, linux
Setting Up Terminator (Terminal ++)
1 response
terminal, fedora, terminator
Syntax highlighting for zsh
Robert Böhnke
3 responses
shell, fish, zsh, terminal
Disable Dictionary Definition shortcut key Mac OS-X
Joel Day
2 responses
terminal, osx, keyboard shortcuts, dictionary
Get a unix timestamp from bash
Robert Cuadra
1 response
terminal, timestamp, bash
How to show hidden files on your Mac (works for El Capitan, Sierra)
Ilic Davor
0 responses
mac, apple, show, hidden
Adding a table to your Laravel database
Nicholas Kramer
1 response
php, shell, mysql, terminal
NTFS Read / Write in OS X
Jeffrey Jackson
3 responses
shell, terminal, osx, bash
Launch iTerm2 and run commands in tabs
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
terminal, osx, applescript, iterm2
Get count of running apache processes
Chris Fidao
0 responses
terminal, cli, apache, pgrep
Checking the version of Tmux in a tmux.conf
Trevor N. Suarez
1 response
console, terminal, linux, ssh
Persistent IRC history with IRSSI and TMUX
3 responses
terminal, irc, commandline, tmux
Fixing arrow keys in iTerm 2
Philip Vasilchenko
0 responses
console, terminal, macosx, hotkeys
Recent Activity
Write your own bash commands with functions
Lex S
tools, terminal, bash
Create a symlink for all hidden files excluding the hidden directories
Clarice Billowes
linux, terminal
Disconnect Dead SSH session
ssh, unix, linux, ubuntu
Github Password not working in terminal after enabling 2 factor authentication
charles Loges
github, terminal, git
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