Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· bt3gl

Setting Up Terminator (Terminal ++)

You can use terminator to configure terminal multi-window to start the way you want. Here I am showing my configuration.



$ sudo yum install terminator

Make the Way you Like

Open and configure the layout you desire.

CTRL+O splits horizontally and CTRL+E splits vertically.

Go to preferences -> Layouts and clique add to add your configuration. Type the commands you want for each windows (with ; bash after, so the terminal does not close).

Save to the Config File to make it Permanent

Close terminator and modify ~/.config/terminator/config to have your configuration to [[default]]. For example:

  sticky = True
    background_image = None
    scrollback_infinite = True
      position = 0:25
      type = Window
      order = 0
      parent = ""
      size = 1366, 708
      position = 632
      type = HPaned
      order = 0
      parent = child0
      position = 354
      type = VPaned
      order = 0
      parent = child1
      position = 354
      type = VPaned
      order = 1
      parent = child1
      profile = default
      command = top; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 0
      parent = child2
      profile = default
      command = su; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 1
      parent = child2
      profile = default
      command = cd ~/work; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 1
      parent = child5
      profile = default
      command = cd ~/work; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 0
      parent = child5
      position = 0:25
      type = Window
      order = 0
      parent = ""
      size = 715, 694
      position = 348
      type = VPaned
      order = 0
      parent = child0
      profile = default
      command = cd ~/work; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 1
      parent = child1
      profile = default
      command = cd ~/work; bash
      type = Terminal
      order = 0
      parent = child1

That's it!

To open a different profile (than default), use:

$ terminator -l NAMEPROFILE

1 Response
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Further customize the terminal with oh-my-zsh :)

over 1 year ago ·