Joined June 2013

Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer

Senior DevOps and CyberSecurity engineer at HispaGatos
San Francisco Bay Area - Barcelona, Spain - Boston MA

Christian Fernandez has been involved with FOSS since the early days in 1997.

is a co-creator of BinaryFreedom, a digital rights advocate group which operated between 2004 and 2009,

have collaborated with organizations like the FSF and EFF among others in the pursuit of freedom, liberty and privacy in cyberspace. Christian Fernandez has a wide range of skills from Software programmer, Systems architech, Network engineer to CyberSecurity specialists and ethical hacker. He participated in the gNewSense GNU/Linux project, porting the KDE desktop, naming it kgNewSense, and have participated and orchestrated lectures, from LinuxWorld Boston to an Ethical hacker workshop in a popular Barcelona maker lab.

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