Popular Linux Programming Tips
Insert previous shell command
0 responses
zsh, linux, commandline, bash
Empty A File Without Deleting It
Nick Fletcher
0 responses
bash, linux, crispus
Instalation Script for OpenVas 7
Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer
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security, linux, hacking, arch
Prevent git diff from using a pager
Caio Ariede
0 responses
linux, git
Preventing accidental system halts and reboots
Bayard Randel
0 responses
linux, devops, debian
Shortcut Keys for Bash
Amgad Suliman
0 responses
linux, bash
Fix JPG images with incorrect orientation
0 responses
linux, jpg, orientation, jhead
The best backup tool
Valentin Sushkov
0 responses
ruby, mysql, linux, backup
Search text in directory
2 responses
Cambiar permisos de archivos filtrando por nombre en Ubuntu
Gastón Nina
0 responses
shell, linux, ubuntu
Import .sql from Sqlyog to Sequel Pro error
0 responses
sql, sqlyog, sequel pro, mac
Sync Ubuntu server time without changing ntp servers
Daniel Hartmann
0 responses
linux, ubuntu, server, timezone
Make programs running as root in Gnome use the same theme as regular programs.
Drew Prentice
0 responses
shell, gnome, linux, desktop
Introduction to Cron
0 responses
linux, cron
Como agregar es_CO a la lista de locales en Ubiuntu
0 responses
linux, locale
Stop and Remove all docker containers and images.
0 responses
linux, docker
Package your application as DEB
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
linux, debian, application
list of listening ports
josh bowles
0 responses
linux, unix, ports
Auto-update apt repo keys in 248 characters.
Drew Prentice
0 responses
shell, linux, ssh, gist
Transfer ownership
Jasson Cascante
1 response
command line, linux, unix
Install Qt 5.2 on linux
Fabian Delgado
0 responses
linux, qt, qt5.2
SysAdmin tip
Guilherme Elias
0 responses
linux, aws, devops, sysadm
Ubuntu : define the primary display screen using a script
0 responses
shell, linux, ubuntu