Popular Linux Programming Tips
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
0 responses
terminal, cli, linux, network
Limit docker image size
0 responses
docker, python, devops, linux
Move WordPress site via terminal
Austin Turnage
0 responses
mysql, linux, shellscript, wordpress
ash: show current directory in terminal
Enno Rehling
0 responses
shell, terminal, ash, linux
Viewing the output from a process in Linux
Tristan Roddis
1 response
shell, linux
Kill Process Running on a Port
David Hopkins
0 responses
linux, bash, lsof
Backup Linux Server to FTP
Marcel Bischoff
0 responses
linux, backup, ftp, encryption
Telnet Substitute
0 responses
linux, telnet
Advanced features for your Bash Shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
Install a perl modul in given directory
Ulrich Kautz
0 responses
perl, linux
Rewrite version of all metadata.json in Cinnamon Extension
Kohei Yamada
0 responses
shell, linux, x11, ubuntu
Upload DEB packages to Bintray using dput
Jürgen Hermann
0 responses
python, linux, workflow, debian
Re-enable apt-get auto completion
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
open source, linux, bash
Avoid typing long directory names with scp
Ohad Lutzky
0 responses
linux, ssh, scp, bash
Bash, grep string in file with file name and line number.
Andrea Richiardi
0 responses
bash, grep, find, linux
Sublime Text 2 installer/uninstaller
Marco Trulla
0 responses
shell, script, sublime-text, linux
use Caps Lock as CTRL on Linux
Mattia Gheda
4 responses
linux, useful
Ruby build deps for Debian
Félix Saparelli
0 responses
ruby, linux, build, raspberry-pi
never trust mount (on linux at least)
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
linux, lxc, mount, migraine
Stop Typing in Long Commands in Linux!
Alex Sears
1 response
command line, linux
Screen Sharing for the Terminal
Steven Reid
0 responses
shell, osx, linux, collaboration
Setting up Flash debugger on Linux Mint 64bit
Krzysztof Ciesielski
0 responses
linux, flash, flex