Popular Linux Programming Tips
Free Instant Virtual Private Server (there's a catch)
Michael Musgrove
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Configure a Static IP on CentOS 6
Hélder Vasconcelos
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linux, network, centos, ip
Useful ssh config
Denis Savitskiy
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config, linux, ssh, administrating
Best resource for all those Linux command options
James Barnett
1 response
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Run a server locally with only one command
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Upgrading Fedora 17 to Fedora 18
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How to Unblock IP from fail2ban
Marcel Bischoff
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Using xclock to get notified when a task finishes
Thameera Senanayaka
1 response
shell, terminal, linux, productivity
SSH with X11 forwarding
Djordje Mijatovic
0 responses
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Top 10 shell commands you currently use - Part 2
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, history, unix, commands
Search files for text, get files and line numbers.
Chris Fidao
2 responses
shell, cli, linux
Sending emails easily from the command line
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
cli, linux, email, command
Log Viewer - *nix
David Paluy
1 response
terminal, log, linux, macos
Statistic about full filesystems
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shell, linux, awk, bash
Small Does Not Mean Safe
Mihir Singh
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security, ssh, linux, papertrail
Killing process stuck in background
Piotr Jagielski
1 response
linux, ubuntu, bash
all your git rebase...
Michael Chan
2 responses
shell, linux, git
Linux history - log date for records in history
Viesturs Proškins
0 responses
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Work smart - not hard
Rob Jens
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Linux: Install most recent version of softwares using apt + ppa
Mariz Melo
1 response
linux, unix, apt
Linux PhpStorm paste issue
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Know your applications memory usage on a server
Ignas Butėnas
1 response
memory, server, system, linux
休日は職場PCを休ませてあげる in Linux
0 responses
terminal, howto, linux, crontab
Tour to Linux0.11-copy_page_tables()
Vincent 强强
0 responses
linux, operating system
Quick fix of Mint mute bug
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
open source, linux, mint