Hi, my name is Dustin Deus I am 22 years old software developer from Germany with special interest on innovativ user-interfaces, Web Based Application, Application Programming and Computer Programming in general. I am looking forward to participating in any project that can challenge me as a developer. Software-Engineering is my passion and software developing is my hobby since I was 15 years old. In all the time i have the endeavor to program and learn more about programming languages , paradigms and structures to be better programmer. I love to collaborate in teams to create awesome projects. If you are hiring and want to talk with a person with a huge passion for programming please do not hesitate to contact me and send me an email to deusdustin@gmail.com.
I Love the Web and I´m very fascinated what you can do with an Idea – you can reach the world with little capacities or people by which you can share your knowledge and interests.
Joined February 2013

Fun with the reflection package to analyse any function.
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reflection, golang, go
Statistic about full filesystems
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shell, linux, awk, bash
Working with functions in C with little bit OOP
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events, c, oop
Get nested JSON value in Go
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algorithms, json, go
TypeScript – the JavaScript Superset
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typescript, javascript
Go idioms
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go, idioms
Unmarshal of JSON Strings
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json, go
Golang can be very dynamically also without “reflect” package
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dynamic, reflection, golang, go
The attitude to learn
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php, programming, learning, process