Joined July 2012
CloudWatch Disk Utilization
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
aws, cloudwatch
Fedora + ino
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
shell, arduino, ino
Playing with
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
async, nodejs
avahi-daemon + LXC
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
linux, lxc, avahi
ACE editor form submit
Daniel Tralamazza
1 response
html, form, ace
Installing PHPUnit (3.6) on Fedora
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
php, fedora, yum, zerobs
vim X11 clipboard nirvana
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
vim, clipboard, x11
Give low port permission to your node apps
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
linux, tcp, node
never trust mount (on linux at least)
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
linux, lxc, mount, migraine
Parsing json responses the lazy (as in I-hate-if's) way
Daniel Tralamazza
4 responses
api, json, lazy, javascript
node-email-templates render hack
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
node, email, template
nodejs reverse proxy for libvirt domains
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
vm, libvirt, http-proxy, nodejs
create triggers on Amazon RDS like a boss
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
mysql, sql, aws, rds
One does not simply sudo npm
Daniel Tralamazza
2 responses
sudo, npm, nodejs
travis-ci track folder changes
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
689 Karma
55,710 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Epidexipteryx 3
Have at least three original repo where C++ is the dominant language

Github Gameoff Participant
Participated in the Github Gameoff 2012 building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc

Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

Honey Badger 3
Have at least three Node.js specific repos

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo

Have at least one original repo where C++ is the dominant language