Joined July 2012

Daniel Tralamazza


Posted to Vagrant tips over 1 year ago

Installs latest chef-solo

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

EC2 Provider

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Or you could use "usleep" (takes microseconds as input)

Shameless self promotion ahead

I hacked a simple nodejs module for doing precisely that

Posted to ~~ is faster than Math.floor() over 1 year ago

True, but it clamps to 32 bit integer, so careful with big numbers ;)

It seems it really depends on object size. It would be cool if jsperf had an option to map a variable to an axis (i.e. object size as 'x').

Posted to Install an npm module in a Meteor app over 1 year ago

Cool tip, I would just be careful with some modules as meteor is fiberized.

Vundle is indeed a must have for any vim user. To update all your plugins type :BundleInstall!

@guido thanks :) and may the laziness be with you too

Nope, in the case where obj.foos has only 1 object, you want an array with 1 item. That would be case #1.

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