Master Git One Commit at a Time
git: go back to your last branch
Orlando Del Aguila
0 responses
git, checkout
New git flow branch from Trello card URL
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
osx, git-flow, git, trello
Windows Github and Bitbucket setup
Alex Boyd
0 responses
hg, git, windows, putty
Migrate Subversion to Git
Bart Bakker
0 responses
migration, subversion, git
Update a forked repository at Github
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
git, fork, pull-request, github
Use pager only when necessary
Thomas Duplomb
0 responses
git, pager
git alias in fish shell
0 responses
fish, alias, git
Checkout a specific file from another branch
Thibault Milan
2 responses
git, git-branch, git-checkout, git-tip
Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcut for Refreshing Folders
Joel Day
1 response
sublime text, git
Display git manual pages in a web browser
Frank S. Thomas
0 responses
git, manpage
Find Specific Revisions of Files with 'Git Show'
Joshua Butner
0 responses
d, git, diff, git show
Theme/Scheme Collection For Sublime, Textmate, Chrome Dev Tools, and more
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
sublime text, vim, textmate, design
Git ignores empty folders
Colin Keith
2 responses
git, migration from subversion
Git Branching Quick Reference
Jason Seney
0 responses
branching, git, source control
Github delete um fork ou um repositório
Débora Fernandes
0 responses
repository, fork, git, github
How to revise git-flow settings
Melanie Archer
0 responses
git, git-flow
OS X and Project Wide Find and Replace
Ben Simpson
1 response
sed, grep, find, replace
Command: github-clone
1 response
zsh, git, bash
Switching SSH keys between Heroku accounts
Dharampal H S
4 responses
rails, heroku, ssh, git