GitHub Markdown Cheat Sheet
Shortcuts are really timesavers. So, you probably know to see keyboard shortcuts in GitHub site is possible by pressing ?
I found a shortcut by luck that it is not listed in this list. Press M
key to see Markdown cheat sheet.
Written by Sıtkı Bağdat
Related protips
10 Responses

The cheat sheet lacks documentation on their table support
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | ------------ |
| Content | More content |

Thanks @twolfson, I didn't know this :)

I'm here, typing M
but it doesn't work :-/

@pierre-o if you press M key where you are outside of the text-area, it will work.

Awesome tip, thanks a lot for sharing!

@dpashkevich you're welcome :)

Thanks a lot for this! I needed everything in one place and here it is.
on this page , I can't use it?

@pazzilivo I can't able to use it, too. It seems like github removed this shortcut :(

<kbd> Key </kbd> for showing keyboard keys.