Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· pcollaog

git log for humans

Add to globals alias for log

    lg = log --graph --format=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %C(red)- %an%C(reset) - %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset) %C(green)(%ar)%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=short

3 Responses
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what is it doing ?

over 1 year ago ·

There is an unwanted space between --abbrev-c and ommit, it should be --abbrev-commit

over 1 year ago ·

This produces logs like this:

*   b0e4381 - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1764 from johnjohndoe/feature/rails3-autocompletion  (HEAD, master) (hace 5 semanas)
| * 10bd036 - Tobias Preuss - Add autocompletion for Rails3.  (hace 3 meses)
* |   b36f53c - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1920 from dongweiming/update-coffee  (hace 5 semanas)
|\ \  
| * | 4fe4db5 - dongweiming - Update coffee completion  (hace 6 semanas)
| |/  
* |   3072a20 - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1916 from okuramasafumi/master  (hace 5 semanas)
|\ \  
| * | c51ef9d - Okura Masafumi - Change duplicated alias name  (hace 6 semanas)
| |/  
* |   db82b8e - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1919 from dongweiming/breaking-change-bower  (hace 5 semanas)
|\ \  
| * | 012afe2 - dongweiming - The current version of bower is completely unavailable, plugin depth modification  (hace 6 semanas)
| |/  
* |   04c98ae - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1917 from brandonblack/rvm-plugin  (hace 5 semanas)
|\ \  
| |/  
| * 644728b - Brandon Black - rvm plugin: update to ruby version helpers and rvm-update  (hace 6 semanas)
*   bc3cadf - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1913 from chriskrycho/patch-2  (hace 6 semanas)
| * f25e2d2 - Chris Krycho - Add more capable hg incoming and outgoing count handling  (hace 6 semanas)
*   b9baf37 - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1859 from ayushs/plugin-git-clean  (hace 6 semanas)
| * 6f8e8c5 - Ayush Samantroy - Added alias for git clean  (hace 9 semanas)
* |   a8c0c4d - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1864 from Stibbons/gsemet_push_git_plugin  (hace 6 semanas)
|\ \  
| * | 46f0d8d - Gaetan Semet - Improvement in the git plugin  (hace 9 semanas)
| |/  
* |   3a3fd68 - Robby Russell - Merge pull request #1865 from Stibbons/gsemet_push_repo_plugin  (hace 6 semanas)
over 1 year ago ·