Master Git One Commit at a Time
Expand all "outdated diff" comments in a GitHub pull request
Peter Flynn
13 responses
pull request, bookmarklet, github
When building a blog using Jekyll/Github Pages, use somebody else's code!
Garry Welding
0 responses
github, blog, development, jekyll
Efficiency in Development Workflow – Pull Requests and Code Reviews
0 responses
workflow, pull request, merging, code review
Thanks to Github Trending!
1 response
php, shell, os x, doctrine
Git remotes branch fetching
Jhon Jaiver López
0 responses
branch, fetch, remote, git
Git: merge chmod manual
Anton Dachauer
0 responses
git, chmod
git commit amend
Milos Dakic
0 responses
git, terminal, code, commit
Git Clone Without the additional Subdirectory
0 responses
git, console, clone
Colorized diff output in the terminal console
Daniel Reis
0 responses
git, terminal, bzr
Display list of files containing conflicts in Git
Joel Day
0 responses
git, conflicts
Efficiency in Development Workflows
0 responses
github, git, workflow, branching
Replace Dreamweaver with Sublime Text
Dylan Kinnett
3 responses
sublime text, sublime, keyboard shortcuts, gists
Pull all your Git Repositories
Kévin / Darklg
0 responses
shell, git
Get a list of files with conflicts
Jon Phenow
1 response
git, vim
We Are Deprecateware
4 responses
learning, bitbucket, innovation, growing
What to do after typing `git tag list`
Melanie Archer
0 responses
git, basics
How I keep my local WordPress install up-to-date
Baki Goxhaj
4 responses
terminal, git, bash, wordpress
Get the list of files diff between 2 branches
Thibault Milan
0 responses
git, git-branch, git-tips
Searching GitHub WIkis
Tim Moore
0 responses
git, wiki, github
The wiki-as-submodule pattern
Matti Schneider
0 responses
documentation, git, github