Master Git One Commit at a Time
git moves uncommitted changes across the branch which is bad
Ashish Sharma
0 responses
git, git checkout
git checkout <branch> moves uncommitted changes to the new branch
Ashish Sharma
0 responses
git, git checkout
simple git auto-pull
Yuri Tkachenko
1 response
watch, server, pull, git
Git Essentials
Bruno Coelho
0 responses
web, development, web development, git
Efficiency in Development Workflows: Deployment Pipelines and Zero Downtime Deployment
0 responses
heroku, merge, migration, deployment
Postage - a RabbitMQ-based Component Python Library
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, rabbitmq, concurrent programming, github
Normalize CRLF in git
Matt Hernandez
0 responses
git, crlf
Use MacVim as your git diff tool (no external script)
Nathan Long
1 response
diff, vim, git
gitfiti – abusing github commit history for the lulz
Yuri Artemev
0 responses
python, shell, git, github
Remote shortcuts.
Tony R Quilkey
0 responses
git, bash
Git compatible sshfs mount - mac os x
Joram Höfs
0 responses
shell, git, sshfs
Passm - password manager with sqlite in bash
0 responses
console, terminal, sh, linux
git command aliases
Dallas Reedy
9 responses
zsh, aliases, shortcuts, git
git add -A
Dallas Reedy
3 responses
git, git add
Using non-GitHub Repos with PhoneGap Build
Eric Allen
1 response
bitbucket, beanstalk, git, phonegap build
Encrypt password files and sensitive info in your git repo
Adrià Casajús
0 responses
dotfiles, secure, git, encrypt
SBRXCallbackURLKit: Easily add x-callback-url support to your app
Sebastian Rehnby
0 responses
cocoa, objc, cocoapods, objective-c
Git poop - stash, checkout, pull, and apply
Matt Feury
6 responses
alias, pull, stash, git
Create your work report using Git Log
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
17 responses
git, activity report
One of gits hidden gems
0 responses
git, scrum, brettof86
Undoing an accidental commit in a git repository
Christoffer Niska
0 responses
undo, commit, git, reset
How to use the "right" version of Git in your Mac
Everton Maldonado
1 response
mac, git, wrong version