Master Git One Commit at a Time
setup global gitignore to ignore temporary files
0 responses
rails, git
my personal git config
Markus Rekkenbeil
0 responses
gitconfig, git
My .gitconfig
Ievgenii Nikolchev
0 responses
git, gitconfig
Ignore previously tracked files in Git
0 responses
git, gitignore, tracking
Simple atomic deployment with plain git
Endel Dreyer
0 responses
deploy, git, atomic
Manage multiple Git repositories for a project
0 responses
git, multiple remotes
Github keyboard shortcuts
Arnaud Rinquin
0 responses
Github keyboard shortcuts
Arnaud Rinquin
0 responses
Recovering from git rebase accident
Juhamatti Niemelä
0 responses
git, recovery, accidents
Setting Sublime Text as the Default Editor for Git (Linux Mint/Ubuntu)
John Atten
0 responses
sublime text, git, ubuntu, linux-mint
remove git orig file without git clean
Amr El-hagary
0 responses
linux, git, bash
Clonar git dentro de una carpeta
Edwin Gonzales M.
0 responses
clone, git
Terminal Color Scheme for Git
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
scheme, color, terminal, branch
Git stash
Tom Kruijsen
2 responses
stash, git
Install Git on Linux from git source
0 responses
git, linux
Deleting remote branches in git
Nick Aguilos
0 responses
branch, remote, git, delete
Git conflicts into vim arg list
Tony R Quilkey
1 response
vim, git
git fml
Matt Gauger
0 responses