To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
Joined August 2013
Digging Up Django Class-based Views - 2
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, django
Digging Up Django Class-based Views - 1
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, django
Versioning - an Underrated Discipline
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
Python Generators - From Iterators to Cooperative Multitasking
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, concurrent programming
The Lord of the Rings: An Erlang Epic
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
erlang, concurrent programming
Error Handling in Erlang - a Primer
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
erlang, concurrent programming
Postage - a RabbitMQ-based Component Python Library
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
python, rabbitmq, concurrent programming, github
Some Tips About AMQP Direct Exchanges
Leonardo Giordani
0 responses
amqp, rabbitmq, concurrent programming
179 Karma
6,347 Total ProTip Views

Python 3
Have at least three original repos where Python is the dominant language

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where C is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Epidexipteryx 3
Have at least three original repo where C++ is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where C++ is the dominant language