Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· lgiordani

Search through a list of dictionaries in Python

I need quite often to store dictionaries in a list, but I always feel uncomfortable when dealing with them, since looking for a subset of them matching a condition can be tricky.

If you face similar issues and do not want to rely on a database you can try dictregister.

Some examples


import dictregister
dr = dictregister.DictRegister([{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':3, 'y':4}, {'x':1, 'y':6}])
filtdr = dr.dfilter(x=1)
filtdr == [{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':1, 'y':6}]


import dictregister
dr = dictregister.DictRegister([{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':3, 'y':4}, {'x':1, 'y':6}])
filtdr = dr.dremove(x=1)
dr == [{'x':3, 'y':4}]
filtdr == [{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':1, 'y':6}]

Performing complex matches

import dictregister
dr = dictregister.DictRegister([{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':3, 'y':4}, {'x':1, 'y':6, 'z':8}])
filtdr = dr.dfilter(z__iskey=True)
filtdr == [{'x':1, 'y':6, 'z':8}]
filtdr = dr.dfilter(z__iskey=False)
filtdr == [{'x':1, 'y':2}, {'x':3, 'y':4}]