Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· lgiordani

Versioning - an Underrated Discipline

Everyone uses a computer has to deal in their everyday life with software version numbers, and even who deals with computers just as bare user shall sooner or later introduce the word version in their speech. Alas, this made it one of those concepts so pervading that it is now taken for granted, and this is so widespread that even professionals often forget or do not even know the complexity of the matter behind. This article is an attempt to shine a light on this topic.

This post started as a collection of some thoughts that aimed to summarize the experience collected by me in 10 years of software development. As usual, short sentences proved to be too short and became long sentences, then paragraphs, and the short list was already a long article. However, despite the length my analysis does not claim to be either complete or exact.

It simply represents an attempt to introduce the reader to the complexity of a matter which is always relevant in the software world.

Read the post on The Digital Cat