Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· lgiordani

Digging Up Django Class-based Views - 1

This post refers to Django 1.5. Please be warned that some of the matters discussed here, some solutions or the given code can be outdated by more recent Django versions

Django programmers that started with versions prior to 1.3 are used to deal with views as functions, and they learned how to process even complex forms in a procedural way. From the release 1.3, Django introduced class-based views (CBVs) and ported its powerful generic views to this new paradigm (class-based generic views, or CBGVs).

This change, however, has not been harmless for Django novices: the django-users mailing list and StackOverflow are full of questions about views and classes, and the official documentation on this topic is still a little unorganized. Well, open source things are always ready to be improved, aren’t they? This post aims to share some thoughts and insights about CBVs, and hopefully it can also lead to an improvement of the official documentation.

I want to thank all Django developers for their work. Despite the previous criticism on documentation, this post wants to be a thanksgiving for their efforts.

Read the post on The Digital Cat