Last Updated: April 29, 2016
· jasonseney

Git Branching Quick Reference

Create a new branch and checkout

$ git checkout -b foobar

Makes some changes

$ touch foobar.txt

Stage the changes

$ git add foobar.txt

Commit changes to local repo

$ git commit -m "Adding foobar"

Create remote branch and set upstream

$ git push -u origin foobar

Merge into master

$ git checkout master
$ git merge foobar

Push to remote master

$ git push origin master

Delete local branch

$ git branch -d foobar

Delete remote branch

$ git push origin --delete foobar


View commits on your branch only (useful after merging master)

git log --first-parent

View all branches at any point in case you're curious

$ git branch -a 

* foobar

Resolving merge conflict for specific files with "theirs" or "ours"

If a file can't be auto merged, and you know what version you want to use, simply checkout using either --theirs or --ours flag.

$ git merge origin/master
$ git checkout --theirs PATH_TO_FILE(S)

To do this for all the conflicted files, you can combine with a grep:

$ grep -lr '<<<<<<<' . | xargs git checkout --theirs

View this article for more thorough guidelines on git branching workflow: Understanding the Git Workflow