Aspiring Software Engineer. Trying to find a good avenue into Open Source as well as pursue a professional career at iRule ( )
Joined June 2011
Python Twisted / Cyclone on OpenShift
Alex Boyd
0 responses
python, twisted, cloud, openshift
Profile Your Android App Before You Need To
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, java
Where is my Android Application, Foreground or Background?
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, java
Variadic Functions in Objective-C
Alex Boyd
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Share Jinja2 Templates with the Browser using Nunjucks
Alex Boyd
0 responses
python, templating, javascript, jinja2
jQuery Hello World Plugin with Structure
Alex Boyd
0 responses
jquery, javascript
Figuring out JavaScript Objects
Alex Boyd
0 responses
javascript, oop
Google Web Toolkit Super Dev Mode / Source Maps
Alex Boyd
0 responses
gwt, java, javascript
Windows Github and Bitbucket setup
Alex Boyd
0 responses
hg, git, windows, putty
First Time Speaking - tips
Alex Boyd
0 responses
gwt, talk, java, speaking
Moving to the new Android Build System
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, gradle, intellij, hg
Starting with Jekyll / Github Pages
Alex Boyd
0 responses
jekyll, windows, gumby, github
Event Driven java and more - server, client, and Android
Alex Boyd
0 responses
ruby, python, android, vert.x
Android Design Tips
Alex Boyd
0 responses
android, design
Android build system
Alex Boyd
2 responses
android, maven, ant, java
cyclone: twisted web framework
Alex Boyd
0 responses
python, twisted, cyclone
Java 6 and Java 7 on Windows
Alex Boyd
8 responses
vert.x, java, windows
Vert.x on heroku
Alex Boyd
0 responses
java, heroku, git, vert.x
697 Karma
48,077 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need