Popular Vim Programming Tips
Basic Vim commands - For getting started
shiva kumar
11 responses
vim, unix, vi, commands
Format JSON in vim
Kenneth Falck
15 responses
python, vim, json
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
7 responses
vim, macvim, iterm, powerline
Commandline JSON Pretty Print everywhere
Luis Nell
12 responses
python, shell, zsh, vim
Fix "Can't open file for writing" in Vim
Dan Croak
2 responses
rails, vim, unix, backbone.js
Editing Google Docs with vim
Aaron Karper
5 responses
vim, markdown, gdocs
Use your own vimrc when using sudo
6 responses
vim, sudo
Vim auto-indent (4 spaces)
Ryan Yonzon
1 response
vim, auto-indent
Vim exit from insert mode
Djordje Mijatovic
2 responses
vim, vi
Highlight Line and Column in Vim
Jearvon Dharrie
1 response
vim, productivity
LaTex with Vim
eranga bandara
2 responses
osx, vim, latex, unix
Vim "swap", "backup" and "undo" files.
Rafael Bika
3 responses
vim, backup, undo, swap
Vi mode in Sublime Text
Widy Graycloud
1 response
vim, editor, text, tuts
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
vim paragraph formatting to wrap at 80 characters
Chip Castle
1 response
viml, vimscript, vim, vi
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
5 responses
ruby, python, vim, editor
How to enable Vim bindings in a latest IPython/Jupyter
0 responses
vim, plugin, announcement, ipython-notebook
Vim: Increment/Decrement a number under cursor
Karthik Sirasanagandla
2 responses
vim, shortcuts, protip
Vim movement in iTerm2
Jim Greenleaf
3 responses
osx, vim, iterm2